Prinzenallee 33, 13359 Berlin

Choir of Identity

Choir of Identity

"Choir of Identities" is a performance in the genre of autofiction. "Who am I?" - author and performer Zara Demidova asks herself this question.

Am I a woman?

Am I Russian at all?

Am I a mother?

What rights do I have?

Am I a daughter of an abuser?

Who am I?

In this search, life stories of a person come together as like pieces of a puzzle.

Having faced war and being forced to change her place of residence, losing her familiar social context, she seemed to fall apart. "My grandmother is from Ukraine and has long lived in Germany, I am a Russian actress who has lived all my life in Russia, but never belonged to the normative ethnic Russians."

Language: English with German subtitles

Informationen zur Veranstaltung

Datum der Veranstaltung 11-06-2024 19:00
Einzelpreis €18.00
Veranstaltungsort Ballhaus Prinzenallee